All Classes and Interfaces
The Client actor is responsible for sending requests to the Nodes in the network.
Controller for the simulation.
Logger class to log messages to the console and to files.
Node class, it represents a single node in the network.
PairsHistory class to store the history of the pairs and the final decision associated to it
Main class to start the simulation.
Simulation class layer between the UserInterface and the network.
SimulationCallback interface to handle the simulation callbacks
TimeOutManager class to manage the timeouts of a Node
UserInterface class to manage/generate the user interface.
Class that contains all the utility classes and messages used by the actors.
Message self-lopped by a node to trigger a timeout.
Message to acknowledge a CrashRequest.
Message to ask for a crash.
Enum to represent all the possible crashes that can be triggered.
Enum to represent all the possible decisions that can be taken by the coordinator.
Message to propagate the coordinator final decision regarding a certain epoch.
Message to send election data
Message to acknowledge an Election
Struct to represent and send an epoch and an iteration.
Special message to multicast a heartbeat from a coordinator to all the nodes.
Enum to represent all the log levels, selected a level all the highest levels would be printed.
Message used by a Client to generate a random request to a random Node.
Struct cache the best candidate data during the election.
Message used by a Client to ask for a read operation.
Message used by a Node to notify the Client that it received the ReadRequest, and reply to it.
Start message that sends the list of participants to everyone.
Message to synchronise all the node after an election.
Message to notify a timeout.
Enum to represent all the possible reasons for a timeout.
Enum to represent all the possible votes that can be taken by a Node.
Struct to represent the map of voters for every write, and the final decision taken for that write.
Message that asks for a vote.
Message to send the vote of a node to the coordinator.
Message used by a Client to ask for a read operation.
Message used by a Node to notify the Client that it received the WriteRequest, and reply to it.
Class that represents/handle the voters map.